UN warns that global food security will be "in jeoprady" unless we alter eating habits and mitigate the worst effects of CLIMATE CHANGE. Growing population, movement to eating more meat, ground water depletion, climate change altering weather patterns all create a ticking time bomb.
The UN reports says we can avoid this but its costly and must start now. Invest in new agriculture technology to improve
crop yields, research new GMO methods, new distribution methods, more investments in humanitarian aid and development.
BUT we also all need to eat less meat and demand aggressive actions to tackle fossil fuel emissions plus reduce aggressive agriculture methods.
We can absolutely feed ourselves, says Kimberley Flowers, Director, Global Food Security Project, but we have to address
long standing political strife, conflict and inequity along with growing enough food.
Washington Post, UN Analysis, Warning on Hunger, Robbie Gramer, Feb 32, 2017