How Methane Gas Causes Climate Change and What To Do About It
by Katrina Cosolo | Apr 16, 2018 | Climate Change Causes, Climate Change Impact, Weather
According to NASA, climate change is extensively caused by greenhouse gases which block the heat in the Earth’s atmosphere from escaping to space. The known greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. Although methane is found in lesser amounts compared to carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere, it is more dangerous. In fact, methane is capable of trapping radiation and can remain for over 12 years. Since they absorb more heat and energy, they are more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide8 Ways To Create a Smaller Carbon Footprint
In our own way, we can also help reduce carbon emissions and leave a smaller carbon footprint. Here are eight (8) ways that we can do this:
1. Switch to renewable energy By switching to renewable energy sources such as solar, geothermal, and hydropower, you can dramatically reduce carbon footprint. By reducing our dependency on fossil fuels such as oil and coal, we are doing our part in making the world a healthier and livable place to live in.
2. Take a walk or ride a bike Aside from the health benefits that walking and biking can give you, it is also healthy for the planet. Instead of driving a car, why not take a walk or drive a bike to your favorite coffee shop or restaurant? Plus, regular exercise has tremendous health benefits and boosts physical and mental health. It also has zero carbon footprint and causes no air pollution.
3. Drive an electric-powered automobile Another alternative solution to reducing carbon footprint is to drive an electric-powered vehicle, which doesn’t emit carbon dioxide.
4. Fly less Air flights contribute to the most extensive carbon emission. Reducing the frequency of your air travel will downsize air traffic moreover when more will follow, the need to have more scheduled flights will decrease.
5. Conserve electricity Another way to help save the planet is to conserve power. You can do that by turning off the lights when you no longer use it. You can also do the dishes manually instead of using the dishwasher or just lessening the use of your hair dryer will do. Be careful when using your appliances in standby mode. Remember, they consume more energy than when you are using it. So unplug your electronics when not in use as much as possible.
6. Buy energy-saver appliances When you plan to update your appliances, it is better you buy those with energy-efficient ratings. It does not only conserve energy usage, but it also saves you money on your power bills. Using LED light bulbs, for example, consume less power than incandescent and fluorescent counterparts.
7. Recycle Burning plastics and other wastes cause air pollution, produce methane gas and greenhouses, and increases carbon emissions. One alternative solution to this is to recycle plastics, bottles and other scrap materials.
8. Become an advocate There are several ways to support cleaner alternative energy resources. You can donate a small sum to renewable energy projects in your locale. You can also promote in sharing this article to spread awareness to the whole.
The Bottom Line: Climate Change Affects Us All