Table './earthpro_newep02/j25_community_access_log' is marked as crashed and should be repaired SQL=CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS j25_community_access_log (
`user_hash` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
`controller` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL ,
`task` VARCHAR( 50 ) NULL ,
`domain` VARCHAR( 50 ) NOT NULL
Pope Francis has urged Ecuadorians to not let progress destroy the country’s natural environments, including Ecuador’s famed Galapagos Islands, an archipelago whose biodiversity is known around the world but whose fragile habitat is threatened by climate change, particularly by the worsening effect ...
Shark fins worth up to $1.5m discovered after raids on nine properties in the port city of Manta
Hundreds of shark fins seized by the police in Manta, Ecuador. Photograph: Ecuador's Attorney General/AP
Police in the Ecuadorian port city of Manta say they have seized about 200,000 shark fins dest...
A possibly ground-breaking idea has been kept on life support after Ecuador revealed its Yasuni-ITT Initiative had raked in $116 million before the end of the year, breaking the $100 million mark that Ecuador said it needed to keep the program alive. Ecuador is proposing to not drill for an estimate...